(V) Transferring data to your own computer
Your data will be saved on the Linux computers as a folder. We use the Samba file sharing tool to transfer your data to your own computer. To connect your computer to the Samba server, on your windows computer, open a file browser, right click on “Network” and select “Map network drive”. Type in \\\av400 for 400 (or \\\inova500 for 500) in the field “Folder” and click “Finish”. Use the login and password you received during hands-on training. Please note that this Samba tool only works inside School of Pharmacy. The “nmr05” PC in the NMR lab has been connected to the Samba server already.
It is highly recommended that you backup all your NMR data onto a CD or DVD frequently. NMR facility is not responsible for data storage. Sometimes all data on the Linux computers will be lost due to hard drive failure. Burning your data to a CD is a good way to prevent losing any data later.
(VI) NMR time reservation for 500 online
You do not need to book time to use AV400. If you only have a short carbon (10 minutes) or a few proton experiments (less than 15 minutes totally) to run on UI500, you don’t need reserve time in advance either. The online “Faces scheduling system” (https://faces.ccrc.uga.edu/) is for long experiments on UI500 only. It is a website-based application which you can access it from a computer, a tablet and even a phone. Please contact the Facility Director for an account if interested. You will receive an email with your login name and temporary password. Please click the link to finish setting up your account and password. After you login (always use “UW_SOP” in “Group”), click “choose a schedule” and select “UI500”. First, click on an empty slot as the starting time, then click on a second slot for the ending time. Click “OK” to finish your booking. You cannot book more than 2 hours during the daytime (8:00 am to 6:00 pm). There is no limit for night and weekends.